
To the Mayor and Council,
A few months ago I wrote to request that a few more benches be added to the Parkette on 9th Street East, between First E and First West. (along the Sydenham river).

I am fortunate to live across from the Parkette and can attest to the frequent use. (These pictures are from very early in the morning.) People come throughout the day, solo, in couples, families, etc. They are of all ages and income groups. They are drinking coffee, reading, meeting friends, etc. Young people often sit on the ground, or on a curb, but the middle aged and older people cannot.

There are currently 3 benches, and I am writing to suggest that a few more be added. Here’s an example of how relatively low expenditures, (carefully placed), can bring large benefit.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Terri Hope, Owen Sound
