


HP pool 1

The City has hired Monteith Brown Planning Consultants to undertake a Harrison Park Pool Study to assist City Council in making decisions about the short and long term future of the pool.
The pool has exceeded its lifespan and requires reinvestment to continue beyond 2016. Public information session to be held on Wednesday, May 18, 6:30 –8:00 PM, City Hall Council Chambers

An online survey is available on the City's website.

The Operations Committee invites the public to a meeting about parking by the Bayshore Community Centre on Thursday May 26, at City Hall, 808 2nd Avenue East, in the Council Chambers beginning at 5:30 PM.

The purpose of the meeting is to inform residents of the proposed changes to on-street parking in the vicinity of the Bayshore  to increase safety and reduce congestion. Areas being considered include: the west side of the 1700 Block of 2nd Avenue East and 47 metres south of the 18th Street East intersection on the East side; the 1500, 1600 and 1700 Blocks of 4th Avenue East on the East side; and the 200 and 300 Blocks of 18th Street East on the North side of the road.

source: media release, City of Owen Sound


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