wild flowers laurieA new business in downtown Owen Sound wants you to re-love clothes.

Wild Flowers Consignment Boutique is passionate about secondhand clothing, and its positive impact on the environment and your bank account.Wild flowers

“I’m excited to provide Owen Sound with an opportunity to shop sustainably,” says store owner Laurie Boycott. “Personally, I was looking for a place to sell my clothing and couldn’t find anything locally.”

Wild Flowers Consignment Boutique is located at 840 2nd Avenue East, and will be open for business Saturday, September 5th.

In January, Boycott unfortunately lost her job due to government cutbacks and used the opportunity to try something different. “I want to offer women a chance to buy quality secondhand pieces and a place where they can get some money for their pieces too.”

Starting out as a new entrepreneur and during a pandemic is no easy feat, but Boycott says she is focused on her goal. “I have been very anxious about opening up during COVID. I started the process earlier this year and abandoned the idea when COVID hit. But I soon came back to it after seeing how well our community was doing.”

wildflowers1For the last couple of months Boycott and her family have been renovating the store, allowing a chance to be hands-on and learn about drywalling, lighting, and paint. “It has really been a family project from electrical to design with lots of long hours and aching muscles.”

I also really love the fact that consignment shopping is a good choice for the environment. For conscience minded shoppers buying secondhand is a great option.

If you would like to consign with Wild Flowers and have just a few pieces, you can stop by during store hours. Otherwise, Boycott suggests booking an appointment. “We take in clothes by the season, and are currently looking for up-to-date fall and winter items, including pre-loved gently used clothes, shoes, bags, athletic wear and accessories.”

For conscience minded shoppers, buying secondhand is a great option.wild flowers2

For more information visit www.wildflowersconsignment.com or their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/wildflowersconsignmentboutique