car fall tourThe old Township of Keppel will be the destination for hundreds of Classic car enthusiasts on Sunday afternoon, September 27th. Folks living or visiting are invited to cheer and clap for these vehicles as they pass in recognition of the folks who have kept us healthy throughout this challenging year.

This car tour is intended to be experiential rather than a parade of classic cars. Drivers are given three suggested routes and advised to simply enjoy the beautiful colours gracing the roadsides of Keppel at this time of year. Residents and visitors will, therefore, see these vehicles driving by individually or in groups over a three-hour period between 1:00 and 4:00 PM.

Cars will be starting from four locations with a scramble start at 1:00 PM sharp:

Sauble Beach Community Centre
Port Elgin Plex Centre
Grey Roots Museum
Wiarton Keppel International Airport

Although encouraged to attend one of these locations Classic vehicles can also join in from anywhere they prefer.

The tour will include County Road 1, (the shoreline), Road 17 (to Lake Charles) and the road north through Kemble up to the Big Bay Road. Other routes where cars can be viewed will be at Springmount, Oxenden, Shallow Lake, Balmy Beach and the Owen Sound bypass.

Motorists have been invited to mix and match the routes as they please and at the pace they find the most comfortable. They are encouraged to honk their horns to those who wave by the roadside.

Keppel Township (part of the Municipality of Georgian Bluffs) is one of the most colourful sections of Grey Bruce Counties in the fall season. Few places in the region can boast as many Carolinian forest covered roads and rocky shores than Keppel Township. The region has a long reputation for its "hard rock farmers" and has been eulogized in poems and songs like "Rocky Keppel".

Graced by the Niagara Escarpment and the deep waters of Georgian Bay, its first town site was registered at Big Bay in the 1860's. Here you will find a government dock and a general store still buzzing with activity along with one of the largest skipping-stone beaches anywhere. Keppel Croft Gardens is the perfect place to see a luxurious setting crafted in some of the most inhospitable ground anywhere. You can browse through these gardens and take in "Keppel Henge", a working replica of an astrological clock.

Events such as this will continue in future years with the able assistance of regional classic car hobbyists and the volunteers from Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce Counties. Covid-19 has been a cruel master of our lives and all charities have suffered this year in particular. In appreciation of the efforts to organize events such as the Peninsula Classic Car Run and the Fall Colours Classic Car Tour, you are encouraged to make a donation of any size to Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce. Just go to CSTIP.CA or phone 1-800-222-8477 to make a difference in your fall tour 2

source: media release, Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce