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An open house held on Sunday, Oct. 16, at the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre (BOEC) near Wiarton marked a very special milestone. Hosted annually by the Bluewater Education Foundation, this year's event was a celebration of 50 years of excellence at the BOEC.

Approximately 400 guests braved the weather to experience the 320-acre facility and its surrounding United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Biosphere Reserve. Visitors and families had a chance to launch pop bottle rockets, try their luck at archery, assume the roles of animals in the Survival Game, and enjoy smores and hot apple cider by the fire. There were also horse drawn wagon rides through the back field, and displays from community partners. The day was a resounding success with over $2,000 raised to support BOEC programs and improvements to the site.



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Many thanks are extended to those who came out to support the event, and the many volunteers who helped to ensure its success. Anyone who is interested in finding out more about upcoming events to be held throughout this 50th anniversary year is encouraged to keep an eye on the Facebook pages for the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre, and the Bluewater Education Foundation. In addition to useful educational information and photos, there are details on a current fundraiser where a portion of the revenues is being donated back to the foundation to support the BOEC.

Offering a full roster of high quality, curriculum-driven outdoor education experiences for Bluewater District School Board students, the BOEC is a unique experiential learning facility in our area and province. The BOEC's Mission is as follows:

Through time spent out of doors, Bluewater District School Board students value their connection to nature, and grow to make wise decisions for our planet.

Curious.  Confident.  Competent.  Connected.

Learn more here.

source: media release