fundraisingOver the past month, Community Foundation Grey Bruce once again checked in on local charities and non-profits with a survey on how they were fairing in relation to the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sixty-four responses were received to 10 questions on various topics related to organizational health, human resources and employment, and the ability to fundraise.

In terms of the geographic area served by those that responded, 50% of respondents indicated that they served all Grey Bruce, as opposed to a particular municipality or First Nation.

In terms of the aspect of life in Grey Bruce that they support, the largest percentage of respondents indicated services for Children & Youth (48%), followed by Health & Wellness (44%) and Education & Learning (42%).

Of the local organizations that have taken advantage of government support and other forms of COVID relief over the past year, 41% of respondents have utilized wage subsidies and 24% took advantage of the Emergency Community Support Fund administered by Community Foundation Grey Bruce and United Way Bruce Grey.

Fundraising continues to be a challenge for many area charities. About a third (34%) of organizations responding to the survey, indicated they have only been able to maintain less than 25% of their fundraising compared to the previous years while 22% reported that they were able to maintain 75 to 100% of their fundraising goals.

In terms of ranking the type of funding that their organization needs to keep their doors open, 42% of respondents identified operational funding as their top need. Program grants were second in ranking overall.

Other comments made by respondents included the challenges of technology for themselves and their clients, increased operating costs of program delivery, donor fatigue and struggles with engagement of members, volunteers, clients, and the community during these difficult times.

Community knowledge helps the Community Foundation grant strategically. Local charities and non-profits organizations across Grey and Bruce counties are invited to apply for Community Grants with a deadline of April 15, 2021. For this intake only, the allowance for operational support for projects has been increased to a total of 25% of the budget. Visit to access the online application form.

source: media release, Community Foundation of Grey Bruce