georgian bluffs logoThe Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, has released its Roadmap to Reopen, a three-step plan to safely and cautiously reopen the province and gradually lift public health measures based on the provincewide vaccination rate and improvements in key public health and health care indicators. In response to recent improvements to these indicators, Ontario will allow more outdoor recreational amenities to reopen, with restrictions in place, effective May 22, 2021 at 12:01 a.m.

For more information, view the Provincial release at:

Outdoor Spaces:
Golf courses, tennis courts, skateboarding parks, sports fields, BMX and skate parks, shooting ranges and archery ranges will re-open for public use. All public washrooms remain closed at this time.

Boat launches remain open for:
· Repairs or servicing of boats,
· Placing boats in water,
· Enabling individuals’ access to their residence or property,
· Recreational boating, with members of the same household only

Outdoor gathering will be expanded to five people. Please use all open, public spaces respectfully, in accordance with social distancing requirements and Public Health recommendations.

All Township facilities, including Administration Offices continue to be closed to the public. All staff that are able to work from home, are required to do so. Staff remain available to assist the public remotely, by video conference or telephone. All essential Township services will continue, including emergency services, water provisions, wastewater and road maintenance.

Garbage bag tags are not required throughout the duration of the Stay-at-Home Order.

The Provincial Stay-at-Home Order remains in effect to June 2, 2021. The health and safety of our residents is the Township’s top priority; therefore, we encourage all residents to adhere to the direction of the Province and Grey Bruce Public Health and remain at home.

source: media release, Township of Georgian Bluffs