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The new year, 2022 kicked off with a return to a modified version of Step Two of the Province’s Roadmap to Reopen. That certainly felt like a backslide from the progress we’ve made so far. However, the good news is that starting on January 31st, we can begin to ease restrictions, and that means our facilities will reopen, local restaurants can cautiously open their doors to indoor dining, and gatherings inside can increase to 50% of capacity. We can now breathe a little easier, while moving ahead our plans for re-opening. Wearing masks, distancing and the normal protocols of health will still be required as you enter municipal facilities, and our staff are happy to serve you as you prefer, either by phone, online, or in-person. For information on how to connect with us and what to expect when visiting our facilities, please visit our Open and Closed page on our website. 

We want to hear from you! And there are many opportunities to get involved and share your opinion on topics that will help shape the future of this great community.

The Official Plan online survey has attracted a significant number of responses to date. It did take a bit longer to organize my thoughts on the subject, but I’m pleased that I had the opportunity to give my input and the meaningful information gathered to date has been very helpful. In addition to this survey, another chance to have your voice heard will help guide a Strategic Plan for Meaford Hall Arts and Cultural Centre. An online survey for this work can be found on our website, and staff are looking for your input through focus group meetings as well. I invite you to get involved in these processes to help us grow responsibly and sustainably.

Its been two years since we began connecting with you through these video messages and this is our 57th video to date. How time flies! We will continue to develop this connection by bringing in other voices to shine a spotlight on municipal services, and the staff who deliver them. Stay tuned as we shift our video updates to create more engaging and educational content to share with you. 

This feeling of cautious optimism is so welcome as the Province begins to lift some restrictions. It has been a very long haul, but I am so proud of the perseverance and community spirit shown by everyone over these too many years. We are doing our part and it shows. The Grey Bruce Health Unit reports that 55% of residents 18 years and over have had 3 or more doses, which is above the provincial average. Great work everyone. Please visit for more information about vaccine clinics and please continue to follow public health protocols. We are all in this together, and the future is looking brighter. 

Be well, everyone.

Mayor Barb Clumpus

source: media release