Mapleseed Pasture Award Mark SchouldiceMark and Heather Shouldice of Big Rock Bison near Shallow Lake in Grey County, are the recipient of the 2021 Ontario Pasture Award. The award sponsored by MAPLESEED, and the Ontario Forage Council, was presented today. For their environmental and pasture improvements and management, the recipients will receive $250 and a bag of forage seed.

The Big Rock Bison operation includes140 bison and are on pasture twelve months of the year. The 150 acres of pastureland is set up with 9 paddocks to practice rotational grazing, allowing sufficient time for pasture to rest, re-grow and recover before the bison go back on that paddock. Mark says, “The bison stay out 12 months of the year in a low stress environment, with room to roam and be social. They are built for and thrive in the winter, but we do have sacrifice pasture for wet / mud season, so typically the bison move out on fresh pasture May 7th and this is when we stop feeding hay for the season”. Mark comments, “They are committed to sustainable and regenerative farming practices that have a positive impact on the land and the bison, while producing both a nutritious and delicious red meat protein.” For pasture health and vitality, Mark says, “We try to prevent pasture from getting grazed below 4” in forage height, in order to maintain maximum growth and health and prevent erosion due to rain and/or wind. The Shouldice’s believe that healthy pastures and soil creates a diverse and strong ecosystem, which has a positive impact on climate change. As Mark says, “Healthy pastures = healthy bison = healthy meat = maximum profit.”

In reviewing this nomination, Scott Fisher, Sales Manager (Western Ontario) with MAPLESEED said, “I find it exciting and encouraging, that land stewardship is front and centre across all portfolios of meat production.” Ray Robertson, Manager of the Ontario Forage Council commented that even though this applicant is truly unique in the area, it demonstrates the economic and environmental benefits of a well-managed pasture operation.

The deadline for applications for the 2023 MAPLESEED Beef Pasture Award is November 30, 2022. For details, call the Ontario Forage Council at 1-877-892-8663 or visit either the Ontario Forage Council website at or Beef Farmers of Ontario at

source: media release, Ontario Forage Council