
- Hub staff

Patients of the Owen Sound Family Health Organization may have been surprised to find a letter in their mail and email today advising them of a data breach. An “unauthorized third-party” accessed the Health Team’s network sometime on or before July 11th, 2022. The wording of the letter suggests this incident occurred at least three months ago, but the exact date is unclear.

The letter from the OSFHO outlines the types of personal data that may have been compromised which includes: first and last name, date of birth, contact information, health card information, and health history. The letter we reviewed was addressed to the parents of 6-year-old child who is a patient of the OSFHO.

The letter goes on to outline the steps the organization has taken to mitigate the situation with contact information for those who would like further information, and suggested steps of action.

A copy of the letter with personal information redacted is included in this article for those who may have moved or do not regularly access their email and so would otherwise not be aware of the information it contains.

