On Thursday, September 26th, our Alexandra Eagles ‘soared’ during our annual Terry Fox Run at Victoria Park. The tunes were blasting as our entire school walked or ran with enthusiasm for this very worthy cause. While it was a lot of fun, there was also a lot to be learned. Leading up to the run, many class discussions focused on Terry Fox, the sacrifices he made for others and his determination. Most importantly, they connected this to their own lives – the importance of showing grit when times are tough and how their actions can make a difference in their community and in the lives of others. One parent who joined us sent a message about a conversation that she overheard between some of our primary Eagles, one of whom was tired and starting to slow down. It went like this…

“Terry Fox didn’t give up. We gotta keep going  for Terry!” A group of them then shouted “for Terry Fox yeahhh!” as they took off running again.

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Our fundraising goal for our Terry Fox Run was $500 and we are proud to say that we surpassed this amount. This monetary goal was important. However, you can’t put a price on the learning and inspiration our children receive from this event. Terry Fox, a true Canadian hero, continues to inspire children and adults, and to teach us to be better leaders and citizens. This learning is not lost on the Home of the Eagles.

source: media release