Whistle BlowerMike Schreiner released the following statement after allegations from a senior engineer in the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks:

“These allegations must be taken seriously by the provincial government.  The whistle-blower’s complaint suggests continued environmental racism against First Nations in one of Canada’s most polluted regions. Past governments have failed the Aamjiwnaang First Nation, allowing toxic facilities to encircle the community, exposing them to chronic and ongoing health risks still not fully understood.

"We need the government to respond swiftly to these new reports and to strengthen the monitoring and enforcement of air quality concerns with complete transparency. No one in our province should be subjected to the kind of environmental contamination that has become day-to-day life for the Aamjiwnaang First Nation. We have a duty to consult and a moral obligation to protect their health and safety.

"We must empower Indigenous leaders to play an active role in monitoring and reducing toxins in the region. Long-term we must move to cleaner industries that do not harm the people and places we love.”

source: media release