accessibilityNational AccessAbility Week kicks off in the Municipality of Meaford today and continues through June 6. This dedicated week promotes the inclusion and celebration of people of all abilities.

The festivities will be marked with the water tower’s night colours displaying blue and yellow in recognition of National AccessAbility Week.

Be sure to check out our Municipal FaceBook page this week for daily accessibility related posts, including a sneak peak at the new and accessible Meaford Public Library and Meaford Hall Live it Live free online concerts on Tuesday and Thursday. As a part of this campaign, the community is invited to take part in Red Shirt Day on June 3 to show support for a fully accessible and inclusive Canada.

Also follow Meaford Public Library’s social media campaign as they showcase some of the accessible services in celebration of National AccessAbility week! The Meaford Public Library will also be hosting their Thursday trivia, featuring a test of your knowledge about accessibility and available services in our Municipality.

It is a time for individuals, communities and workplaces to recognize those with disabilities, and to promote the removal of barriers to ensure a more accessible future for all. Participate in the fun and promote accessibility awareness!

source: media release, Municipality of Meaford