
- by Erik VanderDuim

Things I like about facebook;

1) pictures and updates about friends and family
2) woodworking and woodworking equipment pages
3) machining processes
4) memes and funny pictures of cats and dogs
5) intellectual and fact-based conversation

Things I don’t like;

1) swastikas from the 1920 onward era
2) F*** Trudeau flags
3) Donad Trump promotion on the Hill
4) the evolution and mis-use of the Gadsden Flags
5) defamation of monuments

6) and above all the misuse of a flag I hold an oath to and serve under. Not that it entitles me to an opinion; it’s just disappointing the lack of intelligent conversation, conflict resolution and progress of a democratic society.

Hypocrisy… I also don’t like that one.

If we read, compare and analyze multiple sources of information, we can form our own unbiased opinions without irrational decisions or comments that promote other than a progressive, inclusive, equitable and equal society.

Any how here’s a picture of my dog resting like everyone should on a Sunday morning.