Owen Sound signThe City of Owen Sound is pleased to announce that it has launched a refreshed Strategic Plan that aligns the City’s entire workforce to Council's top priorities, and will bridge the gap between this term of Council with the next.

The refreshed Strategic Plan (Plan) which was approved by Council on April 19, 2021, is built upon the framework of our previous 2015-2020 Strategic Plan. The vision statement “The City of Owen Sound: Where You Want to Live” and mission statement “Strengthening our community through sound leadership” remain unchanged. The core values: caring, creativity, integrity, and sustainability, and the four foundational pillars: economy, environment, finance, and society and culture also remain unchanged.

So what’s new? The refreshed Plan has evolved to reflect seven Council priorities and two Corporate priorities, along with their measurable or verifiable key results. The Key Results will be used to define our success over the life of the Plan and anchor our accountability to our citizens. The nine strategic priorities align with and support the desired outcomes of the four pillars.

The nine strategic priorities are:

A City that Grows
Safe City
Prosperous City
Green City
A City that Moves
City Building
Collaborative City
Clear Direction
Service Excellence

Staff will provide updates quarterly to lead Committees and also in a progress report every six months for Council’s review. A web-based dashboard will be developed and implemented to enable citizens to access a visual metric of the city’s progress on the 35 identified key results.

“The refreshed Strategic Plan is Council’s updated renewed roadmap to help guide us to strive for a higher level of accountability and performance as we lead our City forward. I would like to thank the committee members, City Manager, staff, and Council for their hard work on developing this Plan,” says Mayor Ian Boddy.

A copy of the refreshed Strategic Plan can be viewed, downloaded, or read online at OwenSound.ca/StrategicPlan.

source: media release, City of Owen Sound