
-Scott Grieg

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the first two years. As always they progress by quickly.
I will provide some direct comment on achievements and goals and try to avoid anything which could be construed as postering for re-election if I were to choose to run again which I don't think would be appropriate or fair.
I believe that Owen Sound has a great number of resources. The challenge is paying for them without suffocating citizens by taking more and more of their dollars from their pocket. Obviously then the city must grow and broaden its' tax base. In my campaign brochure I stated to promote clear and decisive decision making by council. I supported and motioned at least twice in favour of development on the east side including not preserving the former Louis Steakhouse. One interesting side comment is that on Sandra Parks' (who was the heritage expert on staff for Owen Sound) last day I drove Sandra around for a tour of her favourite heritage sites absorbing as much in that time as I could. Council recognized that clear messaging was required to internal and external prospective investors and decisions including that mentioned above, the development charge exemption, along with servicing the Sydenham Heights provided that clarity.
I advocated in my campaign brochure to reduce council size by two (which did not occur during service analysis), create efficiencies in committees and produce further savings in city hall. And under the new City Manager that has occurred.
Council will still be conducting a review of non resident user fees in the future to attempt to address facility usage and the subsequent losses to the taxpayer per year from the operations which is another by product of the service review.
Under the new City Manager there has been considerable restructuring within city hall and about to be the relocation of staff as well. Timing on particular issues is important and needs to be balanced with the time which staff has to address them. One particular of note is that earlier this summer I travelled to Orillia to sit down with their operations director to learn about their transit system. It is a system in an economically comparable community being utilized to a much greater extent than our own and in the near future I am eager to bring further suggestions forward on increasing ridership and city revenue.
I am not afraid of suggesting alternatives, ideas or resisting a recommendation and I think my Rice/Bethune house alternative would substantiate that. I have twice placed motions before council at the final budget meeting to generate more savings for that year as well as what they offer in subsequent years because savings in government compound.
It is always a pleasure when someone stops me from shovelling the sidewalks clear in front of my business to chat about various city issues. That is the best part of the job. Speaking with the resident, the one who is footing the bill and is the one with the most at stake with every decision made. As long as that is enjoyable then I think the role will continue to be an enjoyable challenge.