
City of Owen Sound voters' letters show the City's address as 808 2nd Avenue East and say that you can vote at City Hall. The letters were prepared early this fall when the completion date of the City Hall renovations was still, on paper, August 31. cityhallfront

Voting on Monday will take place at the temporary City Hall location at the professional building at 945 3rd Avenue East.

There has been no public announcement about the City Hall renovations since August 13.
At that time, the project was still on budget at $8.69 million but there were reported delays in delivery of custom doors and stone for ceilings and floors. Exterior doors are still not in place as of today.

New office layouts, expanded floorspace and more departments in the building have created a need for new furnishings which have been delivered and installed over the past few weeks.

Sniders' Sydenham Auctions sold much of the old furniture on behalf of the City in an on-line sale that closed ten days ago.

There has been no report to date on who will bear the cost of extending the use of the professional building through the fall.
