
- by Abbey Blokland, Second in a series on women in business during the pandemic

According to CFIB news, one in seven small businesses are at risk of closure from the results of COVID-19. This means 5-22% of businesses will close in Ontario. In downtown Owen Sound small businesses are opening during the pandemic despite these odds.

Bloemers Flowers and Plants opened January 2020 and remained open for four months until the pandemic made non-essential shops close. The owner, Monique Post, faced many challenges following this action.

The challenges Monique is facing is never getting the chance the build a name for her business. Since her store opened back up again in June, she never knows when her store will be busy, as flowers are a luxury item, and everyone is taking extra precautions during this time. Some weeks are amazing, some are quiet.

Opening a flower shop has always been a dream of Monique's since she was a little girl. She went to school in the Netherlands for it and worked in Canada in a flower shop as well. She has over 15 years of experience working with flowers.

“I have always loved working with flowers” says Monique.

Bloemers sells plants -  planters, and a variety of different flowers. Holiday arrangements are available too: evergreens for Christmas, red roses for Valentine's day, fall colors for Thanksgiving, etc. She also does flower arrangements for weddings, birthdays, funerals and any other occasion.

When you are visiting Bloemer’s, if you do not see what you are looking for, ask Monique and she will try her best to get what you desire. A refreshing thought is Bloemers Flowers is not connected to any wire delivery services. Monique finds this service is very expensive, and overall customers are not as happy with their services.  At this business  if you have five dollars or fifty dollars  to spend, you will always get the same personal service.

This business at 946 3rd Ave East, at the entrance of Carney's Lane, is open Monday to Saturday and is closed on Sundays. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday the store is open from 9:30 to 3, and on Tuesdays and Fridays it is open from 9:30 to 5. Saturdays the store is open from 10 to 2.

You can get more information about Bloemers Flowers and Plants on their website or Facebook page
