sustainable living seriesOver the past years, Grey Bruce Sustainability Network (GBSusNet) has developed several project areas, one of which was "Sustainable Living Workshops" that were day-long, experiential-learning workshops around Grey-Bruce. They have also done a collection of high school-based CareerWORKS programs that engage students and teachers in experiential-learning opportunities around similar themes, but with a local employment and career focus.

So, in our current pandemic times, these sessions are being blended into the new SUSTAINABLE LIVING SERIES that will focus on renewable energy, home energy efficiency, local food and agriculture, waste management, transportation and nature based solutions to improve carbon sequestration as key targets for both emission reduction and community adaptation to the current climate change crisis. The impact of Covid-19 in these times is also a consideration as they examine actions that respond to climate change.

“GBSusNet's mandate is to connect individuals and groups around Grey Bruce who are working to create more sustainable communities and to facilitate project development. The overlap of social, cultural, environmental and economic sectors and the need to connect these issues is key, so the themes chosen for the series will address not only the environmental benefits of certain actions i.e., ghg reduction, but will also examine the social, cultural and economic barriers to accessing these technologies and strategies.”, says Randall.

The SLSeries will be hosted by Vitold Kreutzer and produced by LB Randall Productions, in partnership with GBSusNet. Each session will be roughly 90 minutes, with opening videos on the session theme (15-20 min) followed by a short discussion and Q & A on Zoom.

The series premiere is November, 3 at 7pm with guests speaker Dr. John Anderson. The intro session will be followed by 8 different events on alternating Tuesdays over the next months. There is no charge for attendance. Series sponsors included Bruce Power, Enbridge and Ontario Power Generation.

Here's a snapshot of the dates and themes:
Nov 3- Series Introduction with John Anderson
Nov 17 - Renewable Energy Tours
Dec 1 - Energy Efficiency
Dec 15 - Food and Agriculture Tours
Jan 26 - Food and Ag Tours - 2
Feb 9 - Alternative Transportation
Feb 23 - Zero Waste Communities
Mar 9 - Carbon Sequestration and Nature Based Solutions
March 23 - Wrap-Up ---- What's Next???

More info and to register

source: media release, Grey Bruce Sustainability Network