wrapping paperThe REALTORS® Association of Grey Bruce Owen Sound (RAGBOS) is participating in REALTORS Care® Week by announcing a “by donation” gift wrapping station in support of Home & Community Support Services Grey-Bruce.

RAGBOS would like to invite area residents to visit local volunteer Realtors at the WRAP IT UP Holiday Gift Wrapping Station through the month of December. In exchange for a monetary donation to HCSS Grey-Bruce the RAGBOS team will take care of your holiday gift wrapping. All donations of $20 or more will receive a charitable tax receipt.

All funds raised will help Home & Community Support Services Grey-Bruce support area seniors and adults living with disabilities so they can continue to live in their homes longer. Programs and services provided by HCSS Grey-Bruce including transportation, fresh and frozen meals on wheels, housekeeping, adult day away, weekend respite care and friendly visiting all help clients to maintain independence and enhance quality of life.Wrap It Up

“When asked the vast majority of seniors would prefer to stay in their homes rather than move into hospital or long term care. Our programs and services provide that extra support some folks need to keep them living in their homes as long as possible. Our local realtors naturally understand just how important continuing to live at home helps our aging adults maintain their independence, and enhance their overall well-being.” Rachel Taylor, Community Development & Philanthropy Coordinator – HCSS Grey-Bruce.

The WRAP IT UP gift station will be located at the HCSS Grey-Bruce main office located within Heritage Place Mall in Owen Sound. Operational hours will be Thursdays & Fridays 4pm-7pm and Saturdays & Sundays 10am-2pm between December 2nd-23rd, 2021.

source: media release, HCSS Grey-Bruce