Summerfolk48 18Aug23 Fri overhere
"Cheapest seats in the house!"
These self-described escapees from the Kelso Villa Retirement Home delight in their
slightly obstructed view just outside of Summerfolk 48's opening night, Friday, Aug. 18.


For the 48th time folks will gather on the shores of the Sound this August weekend.

It's the music, and the community that lives by it, that keeps Summerfolk going – and this year's event looks to be a treat.

The Hub of course wouldn't miss it – our roving photographer was thrilled to attend his second ever music festival – and we'd like to share our weekend.


Summerfolk48 18Aug23 Fri overhere
After a week of site prep at Nawash Park, Summerfolk 48 gets warmed up
as campers, volunteers, patrons and fans arrive for a weekend of folk and fellowship.
Summerfolk48 18Aug23 Fri openingaud




Summerfolk48 18Aug23 Fri overhere
There's still some space for a bit of relaxation and puttering about before showtime.
Summerfolk48 18Aug23 Fri openingaud




Summerfolk48 18Aug23 Fri overhere
Decades of experience populate the amphitheatre pretty quickly.
Summerfolk48 18Aug23 Fri openingaud
Summerfolk48 18Aug23 Fri openingaud




Summerfolk48 18Aug23 Fri overhere
It never rains on Summerfolk – or so it feels when the sun finally breaks through.



(Our roving photographer took in his only other festival in August 1979, one of the 90,000 people at England's Knebworth Park, as the charming Chas & Dave opened the day and the relentless Led Zeppelin closed it out – Ed.)




The Hub's Summerfolk 48 coverage continues:


Summerfolk48 18Aug23 Sat Aft amph seatlook Summerfolk 48
Day Two
Summerfolk48 20Aug23 Sun Eve ending leadin Summerfolk 48
Day Three


– by Hub staff
David Galway