wecarelogoThe Grey Bruce We C.A.R.E Project is hosting the second annual 'Share' event, addressing youth mental health and wellness. This event is an opportunity for adults and youth to Connect, Ask, Reach and Engage on issues relating to youth mental health in Grey Bruce.

Keynote speaker is Kevin Breel, a 22-year-old writer, comedian and activist for mental health from Victoria, British Columbia. Kevin's TED talk, entitled "Confessions of a Depressed Comic" has over 3 million views, and stands as one of the most watched TED talks ever. NBC, MTV, CBC, The Wall Street Journal, Mashable and CBS have featured his work.

Local mental health professionals and youth with lived experience will offer breakout sessions on anxiety, depression, stress, resilience, self-care, indigenous mental health and social media. Workshops on yoga, martial arts, self-care, mindfulness and pet therapy offer opportunities to develop coping strategies.

The 'Share' event includes free lunch and free admission!

Friday, May 13, 2016, 9:00 am - 2:30 pm

Durham Community Centre, 451 Saddler St. W., Durham

The Grey Bruce We C.A.R.E. Project includes a dozen community agencies and area school boards to support youth mental health and wellness. Their shared vision is that everyone in Grey Bruce will make a commitment to show We C.A.R.E... Connect with, Ask about, Reach out to, and Engage youth and their families to increase awareness, understanding, compassion and support for youth mental health.

For more information and to register, visit www.wecaregreybruce.ca

The website also provides tools and resources to support youth mental health wellness.

source: media release, Grey Bruce Health Unit