Earth WeekA fun and practical part of Earth Week Meaford is the RE-Use & ECO-Fair, Saturday, April 29th. The Fair is one of many great ways to support the shift away from a throwaway society to a circular economy. A circular economy encourages businesses to design long-lasting, reusable and easily recyclable products. (Strategies for a Waste Free Ontario)

Waste reduction efforts can be simple and quiet, yet have a great effect on building a zero waste community. Meaford residents have been reducing their garbage, and increasing their recycling and composting long before it was an expected practice. According to the Ontario government with respect to waste diversion, "Most of the success is coming from the residential sector, where 47% of household waste is diverted from landfill. The diversion rate for the rest of the economy is much lower."

Sadly, Ontario's waste diversion goal by 2020 is only 30%. With residents averaging a 47% diversion rate, it just shouts-out that the business sector needs to do its part? It is fair and fitting to expect businesses 'to design long-lasting, reusable and easily recyclable products.' Citizens, especially in the Municipality of Meaford can take a principled position because of the progressive measureable results of our residential sector.

One hears the comment, 'I recycle but the waste I see around me is discouraging. Why should I make the effort?' The respected Canadian writer, Malcolm Gladwell, addressed this frustration in his book, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make A Big Difference. When looking at small acts through the perspective of critical mass or a tipping point, one can feel a renewed appreciation of how important it is for all of us to stay focused on acts big and small that move our community closer to zero waste.

One recent development growing out of Earth Week is the creation of the Friends of Waste Reduction (FOWR) volunteer group. Friends of Waste Reduction volunteers are connected with the Development and Environmental Services Department of the Municipality of Meaford. The group aim is to work in harmony with the municipality on waste redirection and reduction, and to create, test and implement voluntary and practical initiatives that support this purpose. FOWR is a non-political, non-confrontational grass-roots team; focused on the benefits of taking action to help turn our waste into a resource stream.

Presently, Meaford's Christ Church Anglican and Friends of Waste Reduction are working in partnership to develop a Moving Towards Zero Waste Recognition Program. This program is modeled on a 'good – better – best' approach that offers practical help and recognition for improved waste redirection and reduction.

The Christ Church congregation shines in our community as an example of a group working in positive and concrete ways to take care of our environment. The dedicated collaboration between Christ Church and FOWR is key to the development of the Moving Towards Zero Waste Recognition Program.

"Small acts when multiplied by millions of people can transform the world." said the late Howard Zinn. Earth Week Meaford, which includes the 4th annual RE-Use & ECO-Fair on Saturday, April 29th from 10 am to 2 pm at the Meaford and St. Vincent Community Centre is a local event that contributes to a waste to resource transformation.

source: media release, RE-Use and ECO-Fair