
- by Kaitlyn Neath

"There is no footprint too small that it cannot make an imprint on this earth." -author unknown.
One in five is the approximate number of pregnancies in this country that will end in a loss. That's 20% and the number is anything but small. So why is it that we often feel so alone?
Grief is always onerous, but it is lessened by the comfort of our loved ones. We share our sorrow to ease our pain and to honour those we can no longer share with, but pregnancy loss is different. Well meaning friends and family members are often unintentionally dismissive of our loss. "You'll have a baby some day," is one of those phrases that is meant to reassure, but it is difficult to come to terms with grief when so much focus is placed upon the future. There is a societal pressure to move on and try again and so we don't always talk about our loss. The stigma and secrecy of pregnancy loss can prolong the already difficult healing process and leave families feeling alone in their grief.
On October 14th, the Wave of Light benefit concert will be held at the Owen Sound Legion in support of the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Network at Sunnybrook Hospital. The PAIL Network offers free support services to the bereaved families of pregnancy and infant loss in Ontario. My husband and I lost our first daughter, Braylie, who was born and passed on January 9th, 2014. It is our wish to help other families in their grieving process, as it is a very difficult one and as so many families are left with little support, it is imperative that an organization such as the PAIL Network continues to exist. Currently the closest support group in our area is located in Collingwood and it is our goal to bring one to Owen Sound.
Tickets are available for purchase at Nak'd Basics, (located at 1088 3rd Ave. East, Owen Sound.) For more information, or to donate directly to the cause, please visit us on Facebook.
We will be offering space at the concert in remembrance of our loved ones. Community members may participate by bringing pictures or memories to share at our memorial table. Candles will also be available for purchase by donation, to be lit the following evening on October 15th, (the International Wave of Light.)
We are also currently seeking donations for our raffle table.
Please direct all inquiries to Kaitlyn Neath - e-mail or cell 519-377-5969.