safe kidsParachute Safe Kids Week, June 4 to 10, raises awareness about preventable injury, the leading cause of death among Canadian children.

This year, Parachute Safe Kids Week focusses on concussion at home, at play and on the road. While encouraging children to become active and safe, parents and caregivers need to learn how to prevent, recognize and manage injuries, including concussion.

"It's not just competitive athletes who suffer concussions," says Steve Podborski, former Olympian and Parachute President and CEO. "Any bump to the head or blow to the body could cause a concussion. If recognized early and managed properly, most children with concussion will heal relatively quickly and without lasting effects. We want to prevent the heartbreak of serious injury or fatality, so that kids can live healthy, active lives."

Injury prevention resources for parents, community organizations and others who may be interested are available at:

We also encourage everyone to support Safe Kids Week on social media by using the hashtag #KidsAndConcussion.

source: media release, Grey Bruce Health Unit