alpha street gardenOn Friday, August 13, families of Grey County’s Alpha Street housing units celebrated the grand opening of their newly created community garden. The Alpha Street Community Garden project was made possible thanks to a generous donation of five thousand dollars ($5000) by Bruce Power, as well as leadership from Simona Freibergova of the Grey Bruce Community Gardens Network program, under guidance of the Grey Bruce Sustainability Network.

The grand opening event was marked by a ribbon cutting ceremony lead by Anne Marie Shaw, Director of Housing for Grey County, and Maggie Tieman, Communications Specialist with Bruce Power. The two project representatives had the honours of cutting the garden’s main gate ribbon while families from the residence cheered them on. To mark the occasion, community partners from the YMCA and Owen Sound Police were invited to attend the event, and children from the Alpha Street housing units were encouraged to play a variety of outdoor games after the ribbon cutting ceremony had ended.

“We are grateful to Bruce Power and their generous donation. This program will allow youth and parents to build from the ground up, a diverse and eco-friendly garden,” said Anne Marie Shaw, Director of Housing for Grey County.alpha street community garden

By creating the Alpha Street Community Garden, Grey County staff explained that families are now learning about sustainability practices through active participation. Families are learning about how to grow their own fruits and vegetables, the importance of bees and other insects in the pollination process, what time of year certain foods are harvested, as well as the types of recipes that use the ingredients grown locally in their new community garden.

“We were pleased to support the Alpha Street Community Garden to provide families access to fresh food and to help build a sense of community,” said Maggie Tieman, Bruce Power’s Communications Specialist and Sponsorship Lead. “It’s great to see local youth using this opportunity to learn about agriculture and healthy eating.”

In Simona Freilbergova’s efforts to coordinate and engage those living in the Alpha Street residence during the project’s development, Grey County staff noticed her community-focused philosophy with the families living there.

“I love growing in the garden and with our community,” explained Freilbergova. “Teach you to garden, and the whole neighborhood gets fed and full of joy”.

Freilbergova’s genuine character during the project’s completion ultimately helped to deepen a sense of community for many of the Alpha Street residences, and for that the County of Grey’s Housing Department wishes to give their sincere thanks.

For more information about Grey County’s Housing Department please visit

source: media release, Grey County