
Grey County Councillor Selwyn Hicks is returning to the Warden’s chair in 2021. Warden Hicks, who served previously as Warden in 2021 and 2019, was elected by County Council at the annual inaugural meeting on December 7. Christine Robinson, Councillor for West Grey, also ran for the position. The election resulted in a tie vote of nine to nine. The County’s process for resolving a tie vote in an election is to pull a name from a hat. Councillor Hicks was successful.

In his inaugural address, Warden Hicks addressed the ongoing opioid crisis facing our community. He challenged Council to take up a leadership role in response. “It is my hope that approximately 355 days from now I will be able to report success on addressing mental health and addiction at a level equal to our achievements this year on affordable housing,” stated Warden Hicks. In 2021 he challenged Council to make a bold move to address the affordable housing shortage. Council responded by supporting a 1% annual increase to the levy to establish an Affordable Housing Fund.

Warden Hicks also noted this will be the Council’s final year of the term.

“This is our legacy year. Together County Council, we are going to knuckle down and finish our term on a high note. I want us to be remembered not for what we faced, but for our relentless commitment to achieve results for the people Grey County despite what we have faced.”

Warden Hicks is also the Deputy Mayor of the Town of Hanover. He practices law from his office in Hanover with his wife of 25 years, Barbara Hicks. They have four children, Selwyn IV, Rylee, Connor and Chloe. Warden Hicks was born in Guyana in South America and moved to Toronto when he was nine. Selwyn and Barbara moved to Hanover in 2003 and he entered politics in 2006, serving as a Hanover councillor from 2006-2014 and as deputy mayor from 2015-present.

The election of the Warden happens each December at the inaugural session.

Warden Hicks was nominated for the Warden’s position by Grey County councillors Barb Clumpus and Aakash Desai.

source: media release, Grey County