
Effective January 5, 2022, the Province of Ontario will move to a modified version of Stage 2 in the three stage re-opening plan. It is anticipated that all regions will remain in the modified Stage 2 for 21 days, culminating on January 26, 2022.

What does this mean?

- Outdoor gatherings up to 10 people;
- Indoor gatherings up to 5 people and other restrictions;
- Retail limited to 50% capacity;
- Closure of recreational facilities, including indoor fitness centres;
- Limiting capacity at indoor weddings, funerals, and religious services, rites and ceremonies to 50% capacity.

Georgian Bluffs Township Services:

All Township facilities, including Administration Offices will be closed to the public, effective January 5, 2022. All staff that are able to work from home, are required to do so. Staff remain available to assist the public remotely, by video conference or telephone.
Community Centres and arenas, including Shallow Lake Community Centre, will also be closed to the public, pending further release of COVID-19 regulations.

All Township services will continue, including administration services, emergency services, building services and inspections, wastewater and road maintenance.

Garbage bag tags will continue to be required on all curbside waste throughout the closure. Bag Tags are available for purchase online via the Township website. All associated online processing fees will be waived for the purchase of bag tags.

Visit to review updated information regarding Township services.

source: Township of Georgian Bluffs