
Fraudulent tax collection scam attempts continue to be prevalent in Owen Sound and surrounding municipalities.

Callers posing as Canada Revenue Agency collectors call unsuspecting victims claiming that they owe a stated amount of money in tax arrears. The callers are often very aggressive and threaten arrest or other consequences if payment is not received immediately.

The caller provides direction on how payment is to be made, often through electronic money transfers. Seniors and other vulnerable people are often targeted.

A consultant from a local financial management firm, indicated that they assisted about 12 clients avert this scam attempt within the last week alone.

The Canada Revenue Agency and the Canadian Anti-fraud Centre are both aware of this scam and have posted on their websites numerous recommendations to protect people from this and similar types of fraudulent criminal activity.

Persons suspecting fraudulent activity relating to their taxes are encouraged to report it to:
The C.R.A.'s "LEADS" Program: 1-866-809-6841
The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (Phone Busters) 1-888-495-8501
Your local Police Service

To protect yourself from frauds:

Never take immediate action. Verify that what you are being told is the truth.
Ask yourself why the C.R.A. would be asking for personal information over the phone or e-mail that they likely already have on file for you as a taxpayer.
Contact the C.R.A. to confirm that you in fact owe back taxes, or are entitled to a refund, before providing any personal or banking information.

For more information about Fraud Scams involving the C.R.A. visit the Canada Revenue Web page.

source: media release, Owen Sound Police Services