Grey County Council today approved the $144.4 million budget for 2016 which focuses on providing services to people and investing in the maintenance and upgrading of County roads and related infrastructure. Residents will see an overall 1.94% increase on the County portion of their municipal property taxes in 2016, which works out to $17.34 for the average residential property valued at $255,300.
In 2016, $0.48 of every tax dollar will go toward directly supporting people. Grey County delivers social service programs, operates three long-term care homes and provides safe and affordable housing through 888 units across the county. The budget also provides for the purchase of two new ambulances and replacement of all aging cardiac monitor/defibrillators.
The 2016 budget makes important investments inthe repair and maintenance of County roads, bridges and facilities totaling $12.7-million.
County Council was focused on bringing in a budget that met the needs of County residents while remaining fiscally responsible and accountable. “I commend County Council and staff for working together and creating a budget that reflects the current
economic landscape in Grey County,” says Warden Kevin Eccles. “The budget shows a long-term commitment to the County. It ensures Grey County remains a place you want to live, work and raise a family. ”
Economic development remains a priority for Grey County. The Made in Grey County Economic Development Strategy will continue to roll out in 2016. The budget contains funds to assist with tourism destination development and further develop the local food sector.
The County of Grey is composed of nine member municipalities and provides crucial public services to County residents. Council passed the budget on November 24 at the final session of 2016.
Here is a link to the 2016 Grey County Budget
source: media release, Grey County