Dr. Hazel LynnAt an open meeting of the Board of Health for the Grey Bruce Health Unit today, the Board passed a motion to appoint Dr. Hazel Lynn as Acting Medical Officer of Health for the Grey Bruce Health Unit. The appointment is effective immediately for a term of less than six months.

Health units are required to have a Medical Officer of Health or an Acting Medical Officer of Health at all times. Dr. Lynn's appointment complies with requirements from the Ministry.

This appointment is made under Section 69(1) of the Health Protection and Promotion Act that states where the office of medical officer of health of a board of health is vacant, is absent, or unable to act, the board of health shall appoint forthwith a physician as acting medical officer of health.

Acting Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Ian Arra, appointed Sept. 12, will remain with the Health Unit in his previous role supporting the organization.

Dr. Lynn was appointed the Acting Medical Officer of Health in November 2000 and upon receiving full certification, became Medical Officer of Health in 2003. She held that position until her retirement in June 2016.

source: media release, Grey Bruce Health Unit