drivingBad driving behaviour is the number one cause of injury and death on local roads.

A recent review of the number of deaths on Ontario roadways indicates that West Region accounts for the highest number of fatalities sustained in motor vehicle collisions. This year 78 fatal collisions have been investigated in which 90 people have died.

As a result of a 25% spike in fatal crashes in 2016 the OPP implemented a Traffic Management Plan to help identify bad driving behavior. Tactics included Ariel and Ground Intercept initiatives.

The Ariel Enforcement Program has:

-Involved over 127 officers
-Charged over 500 drivers (100 last week)
-Charged 287 Commercial Vehicle Operators - the majority of the charges for following too close, distracted driving and failure to wear seat belt
-Completed 36 mechanical inspections on Commercial Motor Vehicles
-Took 7 Commercial Motor Vehicles - off the road and out of service.

The results of the Traffic Management Plan have been successful. There has been an 8% decrease in the number of injuries and a 5% decrease in the number of fatalities. The current trending has the OPP on track in West Region to see a 21% decrease in the number of Commercial Motor Vehicle collisions.

"We're doing our part through education, awareness and enforcement and we're seeing results. Police enforcement cannot be everywhere all the time. The only way to significantly impact the number of people killed in collisions is to change driver behavior. Be accountable for your driving behavior before your driving behavior holds you accountable!" - Traffic and Marine Inspector Lisa Anderson.

source: media release, Ontario Provincial Police