STI CampaignSexually transmitted infections (STIs) are increasing in the region. While this trend is not specific to Grey Bruce, Public Health is working with secondary schools, local businesses and community partners to raise awareness around this important issue. STIs affect people of all ages who are sexually active. In some people, STIs show no symptoms and, if left untreated, can cause long-term health problems such as infertility. Using a condom reduces the risk of STIs and regular testing ensures that existing infections are identified and treated in a timely manner to prevent lasting damage.

Public Health is partnering with bars and restaurants in Grey Bruce this fall to help start the conversation regarding increased rates of STIs. The Keep Your Priorities Covered campaign uses printed drink coasters to promote the importance of safe sex and being tested regularly.

“Only 36% of sexually active Grey Bruce residents have ever been tested for a sexually transmitted infection, this rate is lower than Ontario rates.” says Sarah Ellis, Manager of the Sexual Health Program at the Grey Bruce Health Unit. “The campaign will help to support people of all ages normalizing safer sex practices, decreasing the rates of STIs and encouraging regular STI testing.”

For further information, call Public Health at 519-376-9420 or 1-800-263-3456 or visit our website at

source: media release