Clumpus WebMeaford Council held an electronic meeting earlier this week as we continue to address the needs of the municipality during this state of emergency. Through this new format we were provided with an Emergency Management update from our senior staff, and we made the decision to extend financial relief measures in our community. Council voted to defer the tax payment due date from April 28 to June 29, and we are waiving penalty and interest payments on all tax and water bills for the months of April, May and June. We know some in our community are dealing with unforeseen financial pressure due to COVID-19, and we hope this provides some breathing room for households in need. Council will be continuing to meet on our regular bi-weekly schedule going forward, and you can watch the meetings live or see the archived videos online at, or on Rogers TV.

We hope the last of the spring snowfall is behind us, and we are looking forward to some sun and warmer temperatures in the weeks to come. The warm weather lifts our spirits, but presents a challenge to enjoy the fresh open air at a time when our outdoor facilities are closed and social distancing is top of mind. Time and time again we hear from new residents and visitors that our beautiful natural surroundings drew them to our little corner of the world, and those who have spent their lives here certainly know the best views and the landmarks well.

I urge everyone to find ways to appreciate the outdoors safely. Discover treasures close to home to enjoy while avoiding non-essential travel to other communities. Our trails and green spaces are open for walking and enjoyment so take this opportunity to exercise, not socialize, and give other folks their 2 meters of distance for everyone’s safety. Let’s all find ways to connect with nature in a safe and responsible manner.

Once again, I want to thank everyone in our community for working so hard to plank the curve. Please know that your efforts to comply with the Health Unit’s protocols of social distancing, staying home except for essential travel, and washing your hands often are working. I encourage everyone to stay strong, and to be mindful of what we still need to do to keep our friends and neighbours safe until restrictions are lifted. Stay well, everyone.

Mayor Barb Clumpus
Municipality of Meaford