


boat launchThe washrooms at the West Side Boat Launch have been closed to undergo an emergency repair.

The washrooms are expected to be closed for a 48-hour period, reopening...

kelso beachPortions of Kelso Beach Park remain closed due to ongoing impacts of high water levels. The Waterfront trail and area between the splash pad along the trail north of the beach washroom building are closed. This includes the waterfront trail, beach within the area indicated on the map, amphitheatre and picnic...

phragmites removalWork to remove the invasive Phragmites reed grass is set to start on Monday August 3rd between Kelso Beach Park and the 4th Avenue West Bridge on the Pottawatomi River. Members of the public are asked to avoid the work zones between August 3 and 7 to ensure the safety of park users...

stoneyorchardmapMayor Ian Boddy responded to a question on CFOS Open Line on Tuesday, July 28.

Listener: “What's the City's stance on Stoney Orchard? My stand is, I don't like seeing parkland being taken away from the City. It's hard enough to get it in the first place, let alone keeping it. What's the City's stance on it and where are we on it?"

owen sound transit buildingWith the Civic Holiday taking place on Monday, August 3, the City of Owen Sound’s transit system operated by First Student will not be in operation. The Transit Terminal will also be closed due to the...


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