


BOS 05 25 2022 doublesize
Dense spruce trees at the edges of our lawn protect squirrels and birds. Cardinals shelter in them during winter as the tightly packed branches thick with needles keep ...

sleepingbag- by Andrea Donaldson

This is the time of year when you will start seeing more evidence of the unhoused and addiction epidemic in your communities. You will start to see more unhoused people and people struggling with addiction walking the streets and camping out in the bushes as the nicer weather approaches.

You will unfortunately start to see more evidence of ...

percywarrilowmedalsPercy Warrilow will be remembered at a memorial service at the Owen Sound Legion Branch 66 on Wednesday, May 25th at 12:00 pm.

It will be a celebration of his life. There will be one more toast to the "Skipper" and a chance to share stories and memories. All are welcome.

hanoverforum- by Sasha Palmer

My Mom and I are writing this together…..we’ve been waiting a few days to write this, to let some emotions settle in regards to our town’s most recent tragedy. The fire at the Hanover Forum, as well as neighbouring businesses and apartments. It’s been difficult to view social media and read some of the negative posts, comments or opinions about the residents of the building. Thankfully, for the most part it feels as though there has been a lot of compassion shown towards their situation.

claremont- by Anne Finlay-Stewart, Editor

Once upon a time we lived in a big house on Hamilton “Mountain” overlooking Lake Ontario. We owned the house because my parents mortgaged their paid-off home in Toronto, gave us cash to buy our Hamilton house, and we paid their mortgage. We were down-the-line recipients of my mother's inheritance and my father's veteran's benefits.



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