


Coronavirus CDC 23311The Grey Bruce Health Unit has received laboratory confirmation of a third case of COVID-19 in Grey Bruce. The illness was acquired from international travel.

The confirmed case is a 61 a year old male and a resident of Grey Bruce. No other identifying information...

phoneBruce Power will host a Telephone Town Hall on Thursday evening with health officials from Grey Bruce to provide residents with the latest information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Residents in Bruce and Grey counties will receive a phone call just before the scheduled 6:45 p.m. start to be given access...

parliamentThe Government of Canada is taking strong and quick action to protect our economy, and the health, safety, and jobs of all Canadians during the global COVID-19 outbreak.

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced a new set of economic measures to help stabilize the economy and help Canadians affected by the impacts of this challenging period.

farm labourOFA appreciates the government’s swift action to protect the health and safety of our citizens and communities. We recognize and embrace the need to take every reasonable precaution to address the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic and protect the health of all Canadians and we are a committed...

farmersmarketPrior to the provincial state of emergency, we had been in touch with the Grey Bruce Health Unit. It recommended we remain closed as long as the schools are, then reassess the situation. Schools are presently closed until April 5th, so this means that the Saturday of Easter weekend, April 11th, is potentially the...


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