


signyouvebeenlookingfor- by Cathy Moore Coburn, Councillor, Township of Georgian Bluffs

As we head into a municipal election this October, and as I reflect on my own first term on council, I would like to encourage interested individuals to run for election. The democratic process works best when voters have ample choices to represent them. Councils work most effectively when comprised of those with a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.

biodiversitymap- by Douglas Nadler

“Earth’s living systems as a whole are being compromised. And the more humanity exploits Nature in unsustainable ways and undermines its contributions to people, the more we undermine our own wellbeing, security and prosperity.” Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, executive secretary ...

elvis 937614 1280I went to the Cineplex in Saint John this week expecting more than to just be entertained because it was my first big-screen film to see in three years. In some regards, I went as a hungry ghost and gratefully was not disappointed.

I watched through the lens of someone who lived the same decades which span the length of this film ...

notyourbodynotyourchoice- by Diane Ferguson

I originally wrote a comment in response to Shea Angus’ thoughtful piece on the complexities of the abortion debate. His piece was written from the perspective of an adoptee’s son. I wanted to add to the conversation as I too have struggled with the abortion debate, both as an adoptee (1965) and as a woman. I have since edited to include more information.

For many years I was ambivalent about the abortion debate. If abortion existed ...

fastfoodRob Leonard, long-time cook and host of Mom and Pop Eateries on RogersTV, posted the following on Facebook, and we shared it with our readers.

"We are now officially into the busiest time of year for restaurants particularly in the vacation areas.Many many reports of being understaffed forcing eateries to alter their hours or close completely.What happened? I'd like to hear from former hospitality workers ...


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