


writing marathonThe Annual Three-Day Writing Marathon will take place this weekend (6:00pm Thursday April 25 to 6:00pm Sunday April 28) at The Ginger Press in downtown Owen Sound.

All the available writing spots have been reserved by keen enthusiasts who are committed to writing their weekend away. The writers have also been soliciting sponsors for their efforts in this well known fundraiser for the Adult Learning Centres of Grey, Bruce & Georgian which has raised well over $50,000 to support on-site and online programs teaching literacy and numeracy throughout the region.

The Ginger Press is pleased to host the Writing Marathon, particularly as Saturday April 27 is Independent Bookstore Day, an international event celebrating the ongoing contributions of bookstores to their communities. The writers will be available when the store is open on Friday (9:30 to 5:30) and Saturday (9:00 to 2:00) to discuss their projects and share their progress with the public. Additional donations to the Adult Learning Centres will also be gratefully received.

Opened in 1979, The Ginger Press Bookshop has been located in the heart of Owen Sound since 1984. Their focus is books by local authors and about this community. To expand the number of local titles available, The Ginger Press also began publishing in 1987 and to date they have produced over 100 books of fiction, history, children's stories and cookbooks, all with a local connection.

Everyone is welcome to visit the writers and find out more about local reading and writing opportunities. The Ginger Press is located at 848 2nd Avenue East in Owen Sound.

source: media release, The Ginger Press


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