


ice skateThe Good Cheer Rink at Harrison Park is open to the public.

The rink will operate with a limited capacity of 25 users to ensure skaters can maintain 2m physical distancing. When physical distancing cannot be achieved, face coverings and/or masks must be worn.

Good Cheer Rink users are required to self-screen before using the facility, and must not use the facility if they have any symptoms of COVID-19.

With the outdoor rink now in use, City staff would like to remind the public of the following guidelines:

Hockey and recreational skating are scheduled on alternating calendar days. The H.O.S.E. rule is in place to promote safety and enjoyment for everyone.

ODD calendar days.
EVEN calendar days.

The City requires that appropriate protective equipment is worn when using the outdoor rink. Children under the age of 12 must be supervised by an adult. Please respect these guidelines and fellow users.

For regular updates about the Good Cheer Rink at Harrison Park, follow the City of Owen Sound on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

source: media release, City of Owen Sound


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