


Meaford Museum Exhibit at Queens Park 1The Meaford Museum’s new exhibit is a little further from home than usual, but well worth the trip. The Meaford Museum was chosen to be among the 8 cultural institutions to have an exhibit on display at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario Grand Hall in Toronto.

The Meaford Museum chose to showcase our commemorative porcelain collection that depicts the Municipality’s history. These pieces were commonly available at train stations as souvenirs. Meaford Museum Exhibit at Queens Park 2With depictions of local buildings and commemoration of special events in Meaford, these plates provide a great glimpse into Meaford’s history.

“It is such an honour for our museum to be chosen for this display,” said Museum Services Coordinator Jody Seeley. “We are so excited to have this opportunity for our local history to reach all of the visitors coming through Queen’s Park.”

The displays will be in place until the end of July, 2019. The Legislative Assembly is located at 191-111 Wellesley Street West in Toronto, Ontario.

source: media release, Municipality of Meaford


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