



 - by Anne Finlay-Stewart, Editor

rivermoneyAs a “Waste Watcher”, I'm a big fan of reusable bottles and recyclable cans. River Jones has turned collecting them into a big win for Sick Kids Hospital.

For the past nine weeks, ten year old River has collected bottles and cans from friends and neighbours and people who read about the plan on Facebook. “Mom and dad helped” pick up donated empties, and they made lots of trips to the Beer Store to turn in the collection for the deposit. River's mother, Melissa Papke-Jones says people were very willing to help when they heard where the money was going.

River's older sister Taylor added her tip money from her job to his stash, and today River took rivermickey$1,570.00 in cash to Sick Kids Hospital. As you see, Mickey Mouse himself gave the grade five Hillcrest student a thumbs up.

River was born with a cleft lip and palate and has had a number of surgeries at Sick Kids since birth, including one very recently. He told us, “I am really grateful, and I wanted to repay them for everything they have done for me.”

River is already thinking of making this an annual project, and he is considering more fundraisers.


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