


Meaford ScarecrowThis will be an unusually quiet first weekend of October here in Meaford. In pre-Covid times, scarecrows would be hanging from lamp posts, decorating public spaces, and storefronts. The Scarecrow Invasion Family Festival would get underway and carloads of tourists would be headed to the arena and curling club for the annual Apple Harvest Craft Show. It is still an exciting place to visit this weekend, for scarecrow displays are popping up on lawns and in window-fronts, and the landscape of our community showcases the beauty of the fall colours against the backdrop of scenic Georgian Bay. The spirit of the harvest season is still with us, as we navigate the second wave of this global pandemic.

Following on the heels of the first wave of COVID-19, we now know what works to keep our families and our community safe. We have spent the spring and summer this year physical distancing, washing hands, limiting social gatherings, and wearing masks. We have adapted how we shop, how we socialize, and how we work. The local business community has stepped up to adjust their services, and we’ve found new ways to stay busy and connected with loved ones. It is critical that we continue these skills and practices that have worked so well over the year as this second wave continues. The recent spike in cases locally from an unmonitored social gathering proves what we have known all along; that following the rules is the best way to prevent the virus from spreading further, ensuring the most vulnerable in our community are protected.

In the Grey/Bruce area the COVID-19 Assessment Centres have seen an influx of requests for testing. With cold and flu season upon us and kids back at school, recognizing the difference between normal colds or allergies and potential Covid symptoms can be confusing. Grey Bruce Health services are now offering appointments that can be booked online or by phone for COVID tests, and have expanded their hours to include this weekend. They have asked that you only book a test if you have COVID-19 symptoms of fever, cough, a recent loss of taste or smell or shortness of breath, or if you require a test in order to visit a long-term care facility or retirement home. A reminder - that if you aren’t able to make your appointment, please cancel it so they can book another patient. It’s so important that we use the Assessment Centres as efficiently as possible to reduce wait times and ensure access for those who need it. For more information or to book an appointment, visit

It is worrying when we see new cases in our community and rising numbers across the province. We are fortunate to have such a good track record so far of following the directives of the health unit, so I encourage everyone to “stay calm and carry on” as we have been for most of the year to get us through this second wave. The Municipality of Meaford is a resilient community, and we will continue to support each other through the pandemic, and beyond.

Stay well, everyone.

Mayor Barb Clumpus
Municipality of Meaford


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