


leith wavesA cold front associated with a low-pressure system is forecast to move across Lake Huron and Georgian Bay on Sunday (Nov. 1, 2020) and into Monday (Nov. 2, 2020) bringing with it high winds. Strong northwest winds are expected to develop late Sunday evening and are forecasted to peak overnight and into Monday morning. Maximum sustained wind speeds of 40-50 km per hour with gusts up to 80 km per hour are expected. Winds are forecast to diminish throughout the day Monday, but will remain steady out of the northwest before shifting westerly late in the day. The strong winds, combined with near record-high water levels on Lake Huron/Georgian Bay, will result in higher than normal waves hitting shoreline areas. This event may be similar to the wind/wave event experienced last Halloween (2019).

The increased wave height may result in minor flooding of low-lying shoreline areas, as well as increased risk of erosion. The areas most affected within the Grey Sauble Watershed will be the Southern portions of Georgian Bay. However, other areas including the Lake Huron shorelines should continue to monitor conditions.

This message will remain in effect until 12:00 pm on Monday November 2, 2020, unless local conditions warrant further updates. The Grey Sauble Conservation Authority (GSCA) will continue to monitor watershed conditions and will provide an update if required.

source: media release, GSCA


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