



Two term incumbent Councillor Scott Greig has filed his candidacy for Deputy Mayor in Owen Sound.

Greig was first elected as an Owen Sound City Councillor in 2014 and re-elected in 2018. He is currently serving as the Chair of the Operations Committee, Chair of the Corporate Services Committee and appointed as Chair of the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority for a second year.

Owen Sound has completed large capital projects of the Wastewater Treatment plant, City Hall, and the Gitche Namewikwedong bridge in recent years.  Greig says the city is "poised to execute on the growth potential that currently exists"  and that he has been "supportive of initiatives that facilitate sustainable growth, lead to an expanded tax base, and reduce the tax burden on city residents."

Greig says he is dedicated to representing residents, and maintaining focus on the following critical themes to build our community:

Respecting residents’ tax dollars and the impact of taxes on their household finances. "As a Councillor, I am recognized for speaking out on items which require more information, closer scrutiny or opposing projects the community cannot afford he states. Unaffordable housing prices and inflation being experienced by residents prioritize this requirement."

Investment in critical infrastructure. "By maintaining roads, enhancing public transit, incorporating cycling options and building for climate change impacts, the municipality can support residents by reducing transportation costs providing direct benefit both financially as well as physical and mental wellness."

Decision making with a sustainable environmental lens applied. "As a corporation it is imperative to consider environmental aspects to projects. We want to build on Owen Sound’s recognition as the Scenic City."

Married and with two grown children, Scott Greig has owned and managed a business in Owen Sound since 2006. "I enjoy engaging, consulting and working with residents in a similar fashion to how we have built our business," he says, "And that is on a solid foundation of customer service. Having qualified for and completed the Boston marathon four times I enjoy bringing that same dedication and tenaciousness to representing the community.

A sign of that commitment? Greig has not missed a City committee or Council meeting in eight years.

source: media release



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