



Dear Parents/Guardians:

This is an update to the letter to families sent on November 2, 2022 regarding the provincial withdrawal of services by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE).

In Bluewater District School Board, CUPE members include custodial and maintenance staff.

Our schools will remain open to students and staff on Monday, November 7, 2022. Please note that busses will also be running to all Bluewater District School Board schools. Extra-curricular activities will continue to be cancelled during the withdrawal of services, and rescheduled if possible.

Families should be aware that school closures may become necessary if the withdrawal of services by CUPE members continues beyond this point.

Updates on any new developments will be shared with families through SchoolMessenger, and Bluewater District School Board’s social media pages and website.

We continue to closely monitor the provincial situation between CUPE and the Ontario government in the hope that a resolution will be reached soon.

In the meantime, we ask that you please continue to send litter-less lunches and snacks with your child(ren) to school on Monday to help us reduce the amount of waste in our building.

Thank you again for your patience, understanding, and cooperation. We remain firmly committed to prioritizing the health and safety of all our students and staff.


Lori Wilder, Director of Education


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