


cottageOn April 4th, Premier Ford issued a new Order prohibiting Short Term Rentals. Those who own a cottage are not to rent either privately or through a 3rd party broker such as VRBO, Airbnb or various cottage rental companies. The only exception is for those who have no other home, and this must be proven.

Campgrounds were closed last week and now with the new Short Term Rental Order, the town has been working on a means to execute these new measures and implement enforcement. The

Province is committed to making sure that only those services which are essential remain open.

The Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, 1990, as amended, levies very heavy fines for anyone who violates a Provincial Order. Fines range from a maximum of $100,000 for an individual, $500,000 for a director or officer of a corporation and $10,000,000 for a corporation. Imprisonment for not more than one year is possible.

We have hired an enforcement company to enable us to uphold these Provincial Orders. Together with our policing partners, they are working to ensure that the residents of South Bruce Peninsula remain safe.

A message for cottage owners:

You are part of our municipality too however you are not permitted to rent your property. If you choose to stay here at your seasonal home, please remain here until this crisis has passed and follow the rules set out by the Province and Health Departments. DO NOT TRAVEL BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN COMMUNITIES.

The Provincial Fire Ban applies to all areas in South Bruce Peninsula. The South Bruce Peninsula Fire Department will be enforcing the fire ban. The Open Air Burning By-Law levies a fine of $300 for any person setting a fire during a fire ban. Anyone making false calls will be charged the costs for the response by the Fire Department.

To report anyone in South Bruce Peninsula having a fire, please call 226-668-3925. To report anyone in South Bruce Peninsula contravening a Provincial Order, please call 226-910-1322 ext 1.

We need to stop the spread of COVID19 and we cannot risk moving the virus from one community to another. Please do your part. Together we will get through this.

source: media release, Town of South Bruce Peninsula


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