


face mask manThe Grey Bruce Health Unit Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Ian Arra, is renewing the Order issued July 17, 2020, ordering all Commercial Establishments in Grey Bruce, to the fullest extent possible for all the following, that they:

· ensure effective measures are in place to maintain physical distancing of 2 metres amongst all employees and clients;

· ensure the availability of alcohol-based hand rub at all entrances and exits; and,

· make the best effort (verbal) to restrict persons from entering the premises or remaining within the premises if not wearing a face covering. Turning away or refusing a customer is not required under this Order.

This Order comes into effect on Friday, 14th day of August, 2020, at 12:01 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time and shall remain in effect for 4 weeks (being 28 calendar days) from that time. This Order may be rescinded, amended or extended by further Order.

This Order is made pursuant to Section. 22 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H. 7 as amended.

The revised Order includes provision for those requiring lip reading by allowing removal of face covering to accommodate communication with a deaf person.

“The renewed Order will continue to help all of us maintain the safe and successful re-opening.” says Grey Bruce Top Doctor, Dr. Ian Arra. “The community has embraced this measure as a part of their personal routine along with physical distancing and other public health recommendations. There is a great need to continue to do everything possible to prevent the spread of COVID-19.”

There is no need for a medical note for not wearing a face covering. Please be aware there is no such thing as a COVID-19 Face Mask Medical Exemption Card or anything similar.

There is increased risk of transmission of COVID-19 as the Provincial Stage 3 re-opening plan includes permitted activities with high contact intensity and that would require significant modifications to maintain public health safety. Additionally, re-opening of commercial establishments increases the frequency of contact and limit opportunities for physical distancing. The risk of cases and outbreaks of COVID-19 in Grey and Bruce Counties increase without adequate preventative measures as identified in the renewed Order.

source: media release, Grey Bruce Health Unit


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