



Turkey-fullBy Francesca Dobbyn

A reminder about proxy voting, so the students home for Thanksgiving can vote!

It's Thanksgiving weekend, time to meet and eat with family and friends. A chance to catch up, sit and talk and mull over life, the changing seasons and the election.

Here is an opportunity to encourage students who are away to vote. As a parent of a former college students, I always emphasized that no matter where you are, your voice matters. Elections Canada does put things in place for students, and for municipal elections, proxy voting is the way to go.

The Municipal Elections Act stipulates: A person's residence is the permanent lodging place to which, whenever absent, he or she intends to return

So this weekend talk to the kids about voting, and if they are going to be away, have them sign proxy forms. Teach them the value of their voice, their vote! Here are the details:

Dobbyn-documentProxy Vote Certificates

Electors appointed as voting proxies must present completed duplicate copies of Form 3 - Appointment of Voting Proxy, for certification in the City Clerks Department at City Hall.

During Regular Business Hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding statutory holidays.

During Advance Vote On each day of an advance vote, the City Clerk's Office will be open from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of issuing proxies. During Election Day (Monday, October 27, 2014) On election day proxy voter certificates are available between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Form 3 is here ------>http://www.forms.ssb.gov.on.ca/mbs/ssb/forms/ssbforms.nsf/GetFileAttach/017-9502P~2/$File/9502P_Form3.pdf

Francesca Dobbyn is a candidate for council in the City of Owen Sound


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