


highway safe on 6The "Safe On 6" traffic campaign leads to multiple charges on Highway 6.

The "Safe On 6" traffic safety campaign wrapped up on Tuesday with the Ontario Provincial Police laying 291 charges in total.

Members of the OPP Highway Safety Division (HSD), along with officers from 4 West Region detachments in the Highway 6 corridor, stopped 281 passenger vehicles and 12 commercial motor vehicles (CMV) during the two-day campaign.

In all, 188 drivers were charged with Speeding, along with 23 charges laid under the Tobacco Tax Act. OPP also laid charges for failure to wear a seatbelt, distracted driving and other Highway Traffic Act (HTA) offences.

Our members, with assistance from the Ministry of Transportation, conducted the Lake Erie to Lake Huron campaign in an effort to enforce the law and educate motorists about the importance of driving safely.

source: media release, OPP


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